Dragon Ball: History of the Majin Buu Race!

The last antagonist character faced by Goku and the Z Fighters in the Dragon Ball Z series is Majin Buu. Majin Buu is a monster created by a great magician, Bibidi, decades ago. In the past, Majin Buu was a figure who had destroyed many planets and had lost countless lives before Supreme Kai sealed him on earth.

In an MMO video game, Dragon Ball Online, all playable characters and NPCs from the Majin Buu race are introduced, all of which bear a resemblance to the original Majin Buu figure who once terrorized the universe. Majin Buu itself was originally in the form of one person, has very strong endurance, is pink, and has very great fighting and regeneration abilities.

After absorbing two Supreme Kai, Buu then transformed into a ridiculous and very childish figure, removing the evil side in him. Buu is able to seal the evil inside of him and bring it out in a different form known as Kid Buu. Kid Buu himself was later resurrected into a kind-hearted figure we know as Uub, after Buu was previously destroyed by the Super Spirit Bomb at the end of DBZ.

Dragon Ball Online then expands on Buu's ability to create a creature from himself as well as various other unique abilities. Some time after Goku left to train with Uub at the end of DBZ, Majin Buu became increasingly jealous of human life, especially the ability to be able to build a loving relationship and start a family of their own.

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After finding one of Mister Satan's adult novels, Majin Buu then took a small portion of his body and then turned it into a female creature named Bubby. Bubby himself has a body shape according to what Buu imagined. After Bubby lived, Majin Buu then "established a relationship" with Bubby and later gave birth to a child named Baby Buu. And from then on, the Majin race began to flourish.

In Dragon Ball Online's time period in the year 1000, or 216 years after DZ's last story, the Majin race is told to be the majority of the earth's population, apart from humans and the inhabitants of Namek, after the planet New Namek was destroyed by Mira in 853. The Majin race itself was then divided into two: The Wonder Majin which can simply be said to be a good character because it was adapted from Majin Buu, and the Mighty Majin which is an evil character adapted from Kid Buu.

These Majin races are also shown to be great allies of Time Patrol. With Majin Buu's admiration for humans capable of falling in love, the magical monster demonstrates its ability to create wives and children – as well as other Majin descendants – using its power.

And with the Majin race present in both evil and good "versions" of the game's story, Dragon Ball Online has shown another interesting side of the pink creature where he can save the world by using his descendants.

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