5 Ninjas in Naruto who Protect Konoha, but Have a Bad Reputation

5 Ninja di Naruto yang Melindungi Konoha, tapi Memiliki Reputasi Buruk

In the Naruto manga anime, the following characters are told as figures who are not too important or even evil. But actually, they are instrumental in indirectly protecting Konoha from behind the scenes to keep getting peace. Here are the following 5 shinobi!

1. Sakumo Hatake

Sakumo Hatake is actually one of Konoha's mainstay ninja. But he makes a controversial decision: abandons an important mission to save his friends whose lives are at stake.

Sakumo's decision was considered so bad, that even the people he saved hated him. Sakumo ended up taking his own life.

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2. Might Duy

Duy is actually a pity. He was dubbed the Immortal Genin, a feat that could be considered disgraceful. Even though he secretly controlled the Eight Gates, Duy was always belittled.

Duy then showed his prowess by killing four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure who threatened his comrades. Unfortunately, he died because of this effort.

Duy's sacrifice also seems to be unknown to many people. He was not resurrected by Kabuto with Edo Tensei, although on paper the Eight Gates could be dangerous if used by a revived figure.

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3. Itachi Uchiha

Throughout the course of Naruto's story, Itachi is known as a top class villain but always amazes you because of his very cold fighting style.

Behind his crimes as a member of Akatsuki, it turned out that Itachi Uchiha was trying to save the village from a coup planned by the Uchiha clan. Itachi was willing to become a victim, sadly and with great pain, killing his clan's brothers and even his own father and mother. He endured loneliness and solitude after being hated by his sister who was a witness to his violence.

However, Itachi's services really cannot be ruled out. He saved Konoha, made Sasuke strong, and ended the Edo Tensei Kabuto with Sasuke when he was resurrected.

It is not yet known whether Naruto has whitened Itachi's name after becoming Hokage.

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4. Danzo Shimura

Danzo is arguably an extremist. It can't be ruled out that some of his actions have even resulted in casualties.

However, it should also be realized that he is indirectly protecting Konoha's peace from outside and inside enemy threats. The Root group is willing to do dirty things for Konoha such as eliminating people or certain missions.

Although motivated by excessive ambition and the wrong way, it can't be ruled out that everything Danzo does is in his efforts to protect and strengthen Konoha.

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5. Hizashi Hyuga

Hizashi Hyuga is a figure who keeps Konoha's peace during conflicts between countries. One of the Kumogakure shinobi was killed by a person who possessed the Byakugan, which means the Hyga clan.

The sad thing is, in this situation, Konoha's top brass felt that Hizashi was better sacrificed than Hiashi. Hizashi's status as a member of the branch family made him a better victim.

Hiashi also rejected this decision, but it was Hizashi who stopped his own brother. Finally, Hizashi really died to prevent war.