10 Moments When Naruto Was Hated By Fans!

Who does not know the story of Naruto? The popularity of the Naruto story is no longer in Japan. Western countries and Europe are also now familiar with the story of Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto's own adventure is full of hard work and heavy training, before he realizes his dream as the leader of Konoha or as Hokage.

In addition to inspiring stories, Naruto also always inserts a moral message that usually puts forward to stay passionate in achieving his dreams. But, of course not everything about Naruto is a positive thing. There are also various things that are considered negative by fans of this series, which makes Naruto even hated. Anything? the following is the discussion.

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1. Too Idealist

As Naruto grew older, his outlook on life and all the experiences he had had made him extremely idealistic. When he was asked by Pain about how Naruto would stop the cycle of hatred, Naruto's answer was simply believing that he would find a way to bring true peace to this world. The history of the shinobi world shows that the peace they built was based on sacrifice, and Naruto believed that peace could be achieved with words.

2. Don't Think Twice

One of the things that really describes Naruto is his impulsive and unpredictable nature. This is what makes him often do not think before taking action. Even though this attitude shown by Naruto occasionally works, a shinobi of course must think a few steps ahead and determine a strategy before taking action. Throughout his career as a shinobi, Naruto had ignored this. It was only when he became Hokage that Naruto began to think much more maturely.

3. Attacking Sakura and Kakashi

After the time-skip, Naruto became a person who was very emotional and lost his cool. This is actually a bad thing, where the chakra from Kurama can easily take over Naruto's body. Whenever Naruto gets angry and loses control, the chakra from Kurama always manages to take over, and this makes Naruto have to hurt the person he cares about. One example is when he injured Sakura quite badly, and also Kakashi Hatake who was unable to withstand Naruto's chakra.

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4. Keep Looking For Sasuke

Naruto's obsession with Sasuke started early in the series and didn't even seem to decrease once until the end of the series. At first, Naruto acted in a reasonable manner. He just wanted more attention. He wanted recognition that he was better than Sasuke. However, as time went on, Sasuke took a path that almost made him unforgivable. Regardless of what Sasuke did, Naruto's obsession with him never changed, and even after Sasuke nearly got him killed, Naruto still considered him a friend.

5. Failed to Realize that Boruto Is a Reflection of Him

Basically, all of Naruto's adventures in the story in the series are efforts made by Naruto to gain the recognition of others. His dream of becoming Hokage is part of that ultimate goal, recognized by others. Just like the point when Naruto was so obsessed with Sasuke.

Uzumaki Boruto, his son, also wants to get recognition especially from his father which he never gets. During this time, Naruto was always busy with his duties as Hokage, so he forgot about his children. Boruto even has to cheat, in order to get the praise or recognition. If only Naruto had realized this, maybe Boruto wouldn't have done such a shameful thing.

6. Accepting the Punishment of Others

Every Naruto fan must have known that Naruto always thought of Sasuke as his brother, not just his best friend. Not a bad thing indeed, but sometimes it makes Naruto "dark eyes." In a meeting of the five Kage, the situation gets out of control when Sasuke attacks the Raikage.

As a result of that, the Raikage had to lose his left hand and made the villagers of the cloud angry. Knowing this, Naruto then went to see Karui and confessed that he was "responsible" for the attack and asked Karui to beat him to replace Sasuke. Seeing what Sasuke did, it seemed Naruto didn't need to go that far.

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7. Almost Killed Jiraiya

Naruto and Jiraiya had left the village of Konoha for some time to train Naruto various kinds of jutsu. An example is the Rasengan. On the other hand, Sasuke also joined Orochimaru and started his training to become stronger. And one day, Jiraiya had the thought of "playing" with the Kurama seal in Naruto.

Jiraiya himself believed that it was a good idea, to increase Naruto's strength and increase his chakra abilities. But, in fact quite the opposite. As a result of this Jiraiya almost lost his life due to Naruto who managed to defeat him.

8. Ignoring His Family

Naruto was orphaned when he was a baby, all thanks to Obito's efforts to destroy Konoha with the help of Kurama. As a result of this, Naruto is considered a monster by the residents of Konoha. Naruto was ostracized by all the residents, and no one wanted to help him or help him. Naruto's life was really sad at that time.

It was only after the events of Pein's attack that Naruto began to gain the respect of the Konoha residents. Naruto knows how to live without parents and how sad children are without parental love. Ironically, Naruto actually did that to his family. In fact, Boruto himself often protests against Naruto who doesn't pay much attention to him and Himawari and Hinata.

9. Stealing the Secret Scrolls

At the beginning of the series, we are shown a fact that is quite surprising to people, namely Naruto stealing a secret scroll on Mizuki's orders. It was clear that Mizuki tricked Naruto, manipulating him to get Naruto to do what he wanted. Naruto stole the scroll without thinking about the consequences.

Luckily Iruka managed to find Naruto at that time in the forest. If Iruka hadn't come at the right time, Naruto probably wouldn't have lived to this day. Because, at that time Naruto's ability was still very weak, he didn't know any jutsu to fight, other than Sexy Jutsu which he used to joke.

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10 Calling Obito a Hero

Being a kind person is indeed a must. But, of course we have to know about that limit. Obito is the figure who started the war that resulted in the deaths of thousands of lives. It makes us normally think that Obito is a murderer, ruthless, and a terrible person. He even became the cause of the death of Naruto's parents, Kushina and Minato. Naruto is indeed a very kind person, and he also often forgives the mistakes of others, but calling Obito a hero? It felt like something was wrong in Naruto's life.