Not Saiyan, This is the Coolest Race in Dragon Ball!

Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, fans have been introduced to the various races in the story. So far we may know the Namek race, humans, or androids. However, there is still one race that is mysterious and perhaps not many people know about, namely the Demons. So, what exactly are the Demon races in Dragon Ball, who are they, and where do they come from?

The first demon introduced in the series is Demon King Piccolo from the Demon Clan in the original Dragon Ball story. It is this Piccolo that young Goku fought and defeated, and is the father who produced Piccolo Jr.'s eggs. that we know now. However, as we later learned during the Frieza Saga, Piccolo was actually a resident of the planet Namek.

So, even though he used to be the king of the Demon Clan, he wasn't part of the Demon race. His other children, Drum, Tamborine, and Symbol, also bear no resemblance to the general population of Namek. They were more like members of the Demon Clan. A Youtuber by the name of Geedom101, in his video tries to explain how this can happen.

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He also explains that King Piccolo can control the shape of his children, so that when they are born and mature they will look like Demons rather than the inhabitants of Namek, like Piccolo Jr. The appearance of the next Demons in the Dragon Ball story, apart from Garlic Jr. in the film, is when the Majin Buu Saga.

Majin, which can be interpreted as "human demon" is the closest example of the concept of the devil in the franchise. At first, Bibidi purposely created Buu and he is the only Majin in existence. However, since then everything changed, but even though Buu is a demon he is not a part of the Demon and he is not from the Demon Realm either.

The first demon that appeared from the Demon Realm was actually Dabura. It was explained that Dabura was the leader of the Demon Realm, but he wasn't the only one who later had that title. Although we never see any other characters from the Demon Realm in the anime series, the Demon race itself is further introduced in Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Caste.

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The only time we hear about the Demon Realm in the anime version appears in one of the filler episodes, “Goku Goes to Demon Land.” In the story, Goku has a mission to save Misa's daughter from Shula, a demon who is very skilled in martial arts. Races that originate from the Demon Realm actually only appear or exist in video game stories, where they are shown to be very skilled at using magic.

Usually, they are described as having pointed ears and also having various skin tones. Some of them are also capable of changing into various forms. For example the character Mira, who is a hybrid of a Demon and a Saiyan, who is able to access the Super Saiyan form. Then another character is Towa, who is shown to be able to reach Dark Form.

Other characters can also access the Demon God Form. A demon usually in addition to having the ability in terms of magic, is also able to fight in various types of martial techniques, is very good at using swords and other weapons. However, keep in mind that although the Demons and Kai have a lot of similarities, especially in terms of physicality, the nature of the two races is very different.


So, the conclusion is that the "Demon" race seems to be a nickname or title associated with characters who are known to be very evil. There is no need to have a form or appearance that resembles a demon to then enter the Demon race. To be included in that category, a character must be really evil.