5 strengths of Mifune the samurai leader of the land of iron


Not only ninjas, in the Naruto world there are also other fighters, and they are samurai.

The samurai in the Naruto world live in the land of Iron and are led by Mifune.

What are Mifune's strengths in Naruto? Check out 5 of them below!

1. Physical strength above average

Even though it looks normal, Mifune's physical strength is above average.

The samurai do train their physical bodies to fight because unlike ninjas who use ninjutsu, they use their bodies and katana as their main weapons.

In the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 game, Mifune is also shown to be able to lift the ground with his feet or swing his sword

2. Expert Iaido fighting style

The samurai from the land of Iron have one special technique, namely Iaido.

This technique required the samurai to slash with their katana very quickly.

Not only that, the slashing motion starts from the katana still in the scabbard and then swings it quickly to slash and returns it to the scabbard.

Mifune is known as the master of this fighting style.

3. Very fast kenjutsu

Regarding point 2, because of Laido's skill, the kenjutsu ability or fighting style with Mifune's sword is very fast.

Mifune is indeed famous for this fast fight.

Even Hanzo said that Mifune is the natural enemy of ninjas because ninjas will find it difficult to cast hand seals because Mifune can slash them before the hand seals are completed.

4. Chakra sword

It's not that the samurai in Naruto can't use chakra, they just use it in a different way.

Chakra was used by samurai in swords as an extension of their swords.

With a sword that is filled with chakra, they can use it for long-range attacks, of course including Mifune who is an expert at controlling chakra into his sword.

5. Immune to Hanzo's poison

Once almost died because of Hanzo's poison, now Mifune can actually be immune to the poison.

Hanzo has a very strong salamander poison, even himself can be poisoned by this.

Mifune who can be immune to Hanzo's poison is definitely a plus because Hanzo's poison is very strong, even Kankuro who should be immune to Hanzo's poison can still be hit by Hanzo's poison.