One Piece: who exactly is the Gomu Gomu no Mi for?


The latest facts about Gomu gomu no Mi are indeed quite shocking. According to Who's who, this fruit belongs to the World Government and he was assigned to guard the fruit 12 years ago. Unfortunately at that time Shanks stole the fruit along with his pirate group and then docked in East Blue. That's when the Gomu gomu no Mi was accidentally eaten by Luffy who was angry with Shanks and his pirate friends.

That unintentional moment brought Luffy to have such extraordinary power as he is now. But hearing the fact that the fruit actually belongs to the World Government raises a new question, who will use it later? Seeing the potential of the Gomu gomu no Mi, it seems that the World Government has also known the true power of the fruit.

It could be that certain people from the World Government's camp were actually after that power. One of the people who might potentially want that kind of power is Im Sama. Apart from being one of the characters that is still mysterious, when Im-sama first appeared in the form of a black silhouette, he seemed to be holding Luffy's Bounty poster and saw a large Straw Hat.

It could be that Im is just as vengeful and afraid of Luffy for eating the Devil Fruit that he has been keeping through the World Government's people in secret. The reason is, it could be because Joy Boy was also a Devil Fruit user in the past. So to prevent people like Joy Boy from awakening is to keep an eye on the Gomu gomu no Mi and consume it yourself. The clue comes from the same Im holding a large poster of Luffy and the Straw Hats which Im looks at at the same time. Until now the facts on this topic are still a mystery. So many believe that the hat belongs to Joy Boy in the past.

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If it wasn't Im the same who would eat the fruit, surely he would have ordered one of the Gorosei to eat it. Because it could be that this power has been prepared for other people who he feels are appropriate. So it could be that Gorosei is one of the suitable candidates for Im as well as the actual owner of the Gomu gomu no Mi devil fruit.

It could be that the Tenryubito also have the potential to use the power of this devil fruit. Because they are also famous for their greed for all things including power. So if Im just ordered them to eat the Devil Fruit for the sake of the World Government's power, the Tenryubito would want to do it. Because they are just a collection of rich people who are weak and can't do anything without the help of the Navy and its terrible men. Evidently when Luffy hit one of the Tenryuubito with one hit before the time skip, it could immediately make him fall and die.

The fact that the Tenryuubito is weak is a contributing factor that one of them needs the fruit to be strong. Unfortunately, until now, additional information regarding Gomu gomu no Mi is still limited to that, therefore it seems that there will be other information that will be leaked by Who's Who along with the battle in Onigashima later.

But if that doesn't happen, it seems that fans will get additional information about Gomu gomu no Mi after the war in Wano. So it may take a long time for fans to find out the information. But considering Oda's words that Shanks will make a move this year in the One Piece series, it seems that it will have something to do with the facts behind the Gomu gomu no Mi devil fruit.

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