One Piece: Are These the Five Members of SWORD?

SWORD is a secret organization that is said to have originated in the Navy. However, the details of this organization are still very secret until now, even the World Government does not seem to know about the existence of this organization.

That said, SWORD was created to monitor the movement of the Yonkou. This was revealed during the communication that occurred between X Drake and Coby prior to the Straw Hats' alliance to Onigashima. In addition, it could be that this organization has the aim of secretly overseeing the movements of the World Government. That's the reason that probably makes the World Government until now not know anything about this organization, even including the Gorosei though.

The mystery of SWORD's purpose has led many fans to claim that the organization seems to have a goal as a central axis. It could be that they have a goal to create an ideal world without siding with the World Government or the pirates and the Revolutionary forces. Even the secrecy of this group makes communication between its members using quite complicated passwords. It was proven when Coby and X Drake communicated with each other, at that time both of them explained the information they received using passwords that had never been used by other groups before in the One Piece series.

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SWORD members are also still a big secret, but if they are indeed a central axis organization it could be that the following people are members of this organization:

1. The first is Garp, Luffy's grandfather is a member of the Navy who is quite strong and becomes a hero for them. Garp is famous for being a hero to the world when he managed to stop the Rock pirates of the past. But without the world knowing that he cooperated with Roger in the fight. Maybe Garp could still think that the pirates and the Marines could work together again to bring peace to the world. That's why in SWORD there is X Drake who is a pirate. It could even be that there are several other pirate members that have not been revealed.

2. The second is Fujitora, this man is a very skilled swordsman from the Navy. During the Dressrosa arc, Fujitora became one of the members of the Marines who realized that the World Government had made mistakes too many times. That's why he proposed the disbandment of the Shichibukai, because according to Fujitora that group is one of the mistakes of the World Government that must be resolved immediately.

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3. The third is Smoker, one of Luffy's strongest enemies this one is indeed a fairly loyal Navy. Unfortunately he also has the same thoughts as Garp and Fujitora, that the World Government is not always right in making decisions. That was why he occasionally strayed and formed his own group along with some of his subordinates whom he trusted the most.

4. The four Aokiji, a former member of the Marines, had an argument with Akainu before the time skip. He was a person who felt indebted to Garp and had been on Garp's side from the start. That was why it was possible that he would follow Garp and join SWORD. Even in the past, Aokiji was the one who kept Robin alive and escaped after the Buster Call tragedy in Ohara. Currently Aokiji has left the Marines, and it could be that since then he has been helping SWORD.

5. Last is Ryokugyu, one of the mysterious people from the Navy is said to have extraordinary strength. It could be that he became a member of SWORD, because he seemed quite close to Fujitora. Even according to some sources he is also known to be quite wise, so it is possible that Ryokugyu became one of the members who was strong enough for SWORD.

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Currently there are only two confirmed members of SWORD, while the rest are still possibilities. The reason why they are included as members of SWORD, because they all have an understanding of moral justice and not absolute justice as understood by Akainu. That's why the five people have their own views regarding justice, even Garp, Aokiji, and others also have their own way of upholding justice which they think is right.