Naruto: Hashirama's Worst Decisions As Hokage!

Hashirama Senju is indeed a very important figure in the world of Naruto. Because he was the one who initiated a peace during wartime, and then decided to establish a village, which was eventually named Konohagakure. Although his role was very large, but while he was still the First Hokage, Hashirama made mistakes that ended badly in the next generation. Therefore, here are Hashirama's seven mistakes during his time as Hokage.

1. Ruling Konoha Village Alone

When Konoha was first established, Hashirama had agreed to give the position of First Hokage to Madara. The reason is, so that all the villagers know, that the Uchiha clan is very friendly and should not be hostile. However, unfortunately Tobirama (Hashirama's younger brother) rejected the proposal 2. and made Hashirama elected as Hokage.

After Hashirama became Hokage, he didn't involve Madara in the village government anymore, even though before that he really wanted to make Madara Hokage. Feeling ostracized, Madara finally left Konoha and held a grudge against the Shinobi world and Hashirama.

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2. Failed to Satisfy the Uchiha Clan

When the Senju and Uchiha clans first declared peace and founded Konoha, both parties should be equally satisfied and happy for peace. However, unfortunately Hashirama's decision to no longer involve Madara in the government system, made the Uchiha clan offended.

Until finally in future generations, the Uchiha clan remained a group of people who were feared by the people of the village of Konoha. That is why, the Uchiha clan members were dissatisfied with Hashirama's decision, and continued until the Fourth Hokage, and ended with Itachi and Obito's massacre of all members of the Uchiha clan to avoid a coup.

3. Making Biju as a Weapon

Hashirama forged a very close relationship with the long-extinct Uzumaki clan. Through the Uzumaki clan, Hashirama learned about many things, especially seal techniques and also the tailed beasts, or commonly called Bijuu. At that time, Hashirama became the one who initiated the Bijuu as a secret weapon.

The aim was to establish a sense of trust between the villages, which at that time were still at odds. However, unfortunately it didn't work until it finally made an endless war. For Hashirama, the Bijuu are dangerous creatures, and have very strong chakra, therefore, he wants to make the Biju a source of secret weapons for the village.

4. Jinchuriki System

Hashirama's way of making the Biju a weapon, was to put the Seeds into one very powerful chosen person, and from then on the Jinchuriki system was born. In fact, this system actually makes all the villagers hate the Jinchuriki, and makes their social life worse. This is what happened to Gaara of Sunagakure when he was a child. So, that's what gave birth to resentment and excessive disappointment in the village. Luckily Gaara met Naruto, and he finally realized that it was wrong to hate the village.

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5. Making Tobirama The Second Hokage

Tobirama is indeed the younger brother of Hashirama Senju, but the nature of these two characters is very different. Tobirama is known to be very intelligent and also cold. Thus, during the reign of Tobirama, the Uchiha group was made to live on the outskirts of Konoha village and rarely interacted with other residents. This kind of treatment made the Uchiha's grudge even more smoldering, and eventually caused problems for generations. In fact, before Hashirama died, he advised to always treat all citizens well, especially the Uchiha clan.

6. Leaving the Village

According to a source, Hashirama is classified as Hokage with a fairly short tenure. Hashirama often left the village to settle matters that ended in wars from other villages. That was why, he didn't know what Konoha was developing, and was busy dealing with the First Ninja World War. Konoha began to develop during the Tobirama era and then that development, continues to this day.

7. Can't Stop Kids From Fighting

During his tenure as Hokage, Hashirama still couldn't stop the children from joining the battlefield. Because, at that time the number of troops was very small and forced him to train novice ninja in fighting techniques. When the First Great Ninja World War took place, many children died and fought bravely to protect their respective villages.

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