Dragon Ball: Goku's most monumental deaths!

In the Dragon Ball Z story, humans are shown as characters that are much weaker than the Saiyans. And when the Dragon Ball Super series was released, Goku managed to make human fighters considered "dust". Goku is shown as a very strong and extraordinary character, where he has tremendous abilities.

Although fans of the Dragon Ball franchise know that one of the Z Fighters who is also Goku's best friend, Krillin, is the figure who is most often killed in a fight, it's not uncommon for the most iconic character in the franchise, Goku, to meet his end. Goku himself has actually been shown dead more than once in the Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super series. Here is Goku's moment when he had to die in the fight.

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Goku vs. Hit

Goku's most recent death in the main Dragon Ball timeline was when he battled the greatest fighter from Universe 6, Hit. Hoku and the other Z Fighters first battled Hit in the Tournament of Destruction that brought together Universes 6 and 7 in the Dragon Ball Super story. Amazed by Hit's ability to put up a fight against him, Goku then goes to meet Hit after the tournament.

Goku asks Hit to go to Universe 7 and hunt him down to fight. Goku reasons that Hit tends to hold back during tournaments, as tournaments are not allowed to use lethal techniques. Goku asks Hit to do everything he can. And Hit also managed to stop Goku's heartbeat with his energy attack. Piccolo himself stated that Goku died at the scene.

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Goku vs. Zamasu

A Supreme Kai destroying the world? That's what happens when Supreme Kai from Universe 10 intends to destroy Universe 7 by taking over the body of Goku from a different timeline. Although his own body is still alive and Kai himself announced that he was Goku Black before invading Future Trunks' timeline, unfortunately Goku's memory is probably gone forever. The most terrible moment is when Goku Black kills Goten and Chi-chi in the timeline.

Goku's Death Due to Virus

One of the tragic deaths that Goku has ever experienced was not when he died from enemy attacks, but from a very rare and dangerous liver virus. Goku really suffered for about six months before Androids 17 and 18 appeared. Without Goku, Z fighters really have a hard time dealing with these two androids.

Only Gohan was able to survive and still continue to train Trunks to become the next strong fighter. Trunks himself eventually managed to return to save the situation, after he returned to the past to heal Goku's end. After not experiencing any symptoms, Goku started to stop taking the medicine and he almost died from the virus that appeared in the middle of the fight. Luckily he then took his medicine again and recovered, despite the side effects he had to endure.

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Goku vs Raditz

Goku has almost lost his life so many times, it can hardly be counted on the fingers. However, Dragon Ball always ensures that he is strong enough to continue a fight. Until then his brother, Raditz, appeared in the story. Goku is unable to keep up with his powers. When he was already unable to do anything, the only thing he could do was to hold onto Raditz's body.

In essence he sacrificed himself to kill Raditz, holding his body while Piccolo prepares the technique that will be used to kill Raditz and Goku. This is a surprising way to kill Goku, but in the end the moment opens a new path and new joy for Dragon Ball. After Goku's death, the series begins to introduce heaven and the kingdom of heaven and shows how Gohan and Piccolo act.

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Goku vs Cell

One of Goku's deaths is quite shocking for Dragon Ball fans is when Goku had to die in his fight against Cell. Even though fans know that Goku can certainly come back alive, his death still has a deep impact on them. Although judging from the way he fights, Goku is still better than Gohan in the fight against Cell.

It seems that Akira Toriyama deliberately "killed" Goku in the fight. As mentioned, his death was truly emotional and presented a tense moment. Before dying, Goku had time to say goodbye to his friends and also his son. It was truly a moment and also a very powerful visual.

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